Just call me Benji

I always loved art; I grew up drawing with my father. I began taking art classes from middle school until I graduated high school. That eventually became a passion for design. I started freelancing after spending 6 years in the food industry. My time in management just didn’t fuel my creative muscles and I ultimately left a couple years later. During my freelancing career I took a family trip to tour the west coast. My mother ALWAYS took family photos at every possible opportunity. We went to flower gardens, beautiful streams and unique cityscapes I’d never experienced. That was my first taste of how fun photography is. Upon returning home I decided to start following around my photographer friends. I would ask to borrow their cameras and if they could teach me more. I fell into the rabbit hole and purchased my first camera. Fast forward 3 years later and I can’t seem to put my cameras down. I’ve had the pleasure of working with different musicians, entertainment companies, nonprofits, legislators and countless individuals. Photography is a never-ending lesson; I continue to be a student regardless of the experience that I have. I appreciate all my clients whether its capturing memories or offering buisness solutions, regardless of the scope of their project.
